Strong + Durable.
Hemp plants produce one of the strongest fibres found in nature, 5x stronger than cotton! The plant grows tall & sturdy due to its natural protective properties. Hemp textiles are made from the bast fibres (the long fibres surrounding the stem that give the plant its strength). Combine this with its antimicrobial properties & we're left with a durable textile that doesn't break down, tear or rot. Hemp ages like fine wine, getting softer over time but not losing its strength. If cared for properly, it will last you a lifetime!The fact that hemp has an extremely high breaking strain & doesn't deteriorate or stretch makes it our chosen material for the safety of your pets.
Our hemp is organically grown & milled without any harmful chemicals making it hypoallergenic & healing for sufferers of allergies or skin irritation. Unfortunately, we see far too many fur babies dealing with skin irritation, inflammation & hair loss, especially around the neck (usually caused by nylon & polyester collars). Loving pet parents fork out hundreds of dollars per year on medicines & ointments with no relief, not realising the root of the problem. We choose hemp because it's gentle on our precious pets & believe this is especially important when products are in contact with their skin, e.g. collars & harnesses. While hemp is an important switch for allergy sufferers, its benefits are the healthiest choice for anyone!Antibacterial + Antifungal.
Hemp is naturally bacteria & fungal fighting and highly resistant to mould & mildew. The plants contain a powerful range of bioactive compounds. The bast fibres in particular (the stem where our textiles come from) show impressively high antibacterial activity, destroying microbes & suppressing their ability to grow or reproduce. You can rest assured your pooch & their gear will stay fresh for longer with hemp!It Breathes.
Hemp is a natural thermoregulator, thanks to the hollow structure of the fibre. This allows for excellent airflow, which keeps our bodies cool in the summer and helps warm us up in winter. Because air can freely flow through the webbing, it keeps our pets comfortable & sweat-free.Odour Resistant.
Besides being breathable, hemp is also naturally moisture wicking; it draws moisture away from the body. Hemp can even hold up to 20% of its weight in water before it feels wet. This aids in eliminating odour causing bacteria & that sweaty dog smell!Easy to Clean.
Don't be fooled by the naturally light colour of our products. Hemp sheds dirt much easier than most materials, so your dog's gear won't be ruined if they decide to have a roll in the mud... in fact, we encourage mud rolling!Hemp genuinely thrives on being washed. It sheds a microscopic layer each time, releasing stains & keeping the surface soft without loosing any strength. You can wash by hand or by machine, although we recommend sticking to earth friendly & gentle detergents. PLUS, it's super quick drying! Even though hemp is excellent at absorbing water & being moisture wicking, it also gets rid of that moisture quickly.
Less Water.
Hemp is a super tolerant crop that uses very little water to grow; in fact up to 4 times less water than natural cotton. Better still, it's primarily grown in locations where rainfall alone is enough. Choosing hemp saves millions of litres of precious water per year; this is extremely important when considering the world scale of textile production & its impact on our planet.Highly Renewable.
Hemp is a fast-growing, high yield crop that grows around 3-4 meters tall. Because it grows tall & thin, high-density planting leads to larger crop yields while taking up less land. We can produce 250% more hemp than cotton in the same space. On top of that, it can be harvested in as little as 100 days & up to 3 times per year. Talk about renewable!Chemical Free.
Hemp plants are naturally pest resistant & grow organically, thriving in situations where other crops struggle to survive. Hence the nickname 'weed'! The fast-growing crops are tall & dense, literally choking out weeds & deterring pests. Growing hemp requires ZERO pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilisers. This, in turn, saves our waterways & soil from toxic contamination; PLUS, hemp attracts the birds & the bees (literally). Hemp plantations are a haven for pollinators. Great news for our environment & ecosystem!Soil Healing.
Hemp has the impressive ability to detox & heal our land, leaving it healthier than before it was planted. The roots reach deep into the ground, retrieving water & nutrients while holding the soil together, preventing erosion. These roots also aerate the soil making it super healthy for the next plant. For this reason, hemp makes an excellent rotation crop in sustainable farming.The soil saving powers of hemp don't stop there! Hemp also draws out & absorbs heavy metals & toxins from the soil without harming the plant ~ this is called phytoremediation. Did you know? In Ukraine, hemp was planted to clean up radioactive & nuclear contamination in Chornobyl!
Air Purifying.
Hemp is scientifically proven to be the highest CO2 absorber on our planet! For every 1 tonne of hemp grown, 1.63 tonnes of carbon is removed from our air & permanently trapped within the fibres.It's by far the most carbon negative resource we have available. With the high CO2 absorption rate & soil detoxifying qualities, it's a no brainer to use industrial hemp for biofuels. Once the cycle is complete, the trapped contaminants are removed from our environment & everything is left healthier.
Grow hemp → absorb CO2 + contamination from soil → use the contaminated hemp as a green biofuel → green biofuel = renewable energy & replaces toxic fossil fuels → grow more hemp → absorb more CO2 + contamination from soil... you can imagine how easily we could heal our planet with this 'weed'.
Zero Waste.
Every single part of the hemp plant can be used; nothing goes to waste. The seeds, roots, stems, leaves & flowers can all be used for everyday items. We would need a whole other article to explain how everything is made but to give you an idea of this plant's versatility, here are some examples of non-toxic & earth-friendly products made from hemp.TEXTILES ~ fabric, rope & twine
STATIONARY ~ acid-free paper & ink
NUTRITION & HEALTH ~ oils, seeds, flour, milk & medicine
COSMETICS ~ soaps, shampoos & creams
PLASTICS ~ biodegradable hemp plastics
BUILDING MATERIALS ~ concrete, cement blocks, fibreboard & insulation
FUEL ~ biodiesel, ethanol & menthol
One of the things we love most about hemp is that it's 100% biodegradable & compostable. Pure hemp products return to the earth without leaving a trace (except for all of the benefits we gain from growing and using it!)Are you ready to make the switch?
Learn about our different types of hemp & which one best suits your dog.
OUR PROMISE ~ We carefully select our Hemp from ethical farms & suppliers who ensure fair working conditions, fair wages & the highest environmental standards. There are absolutely no chemicals used to grow, mill or process our hemp.